Friday, January 12, 2007

His Last Hour

As the light faded into darkness

And the sun climbed down from its throne

The sky put on a purple dress

And the moon in all its brilliance shone.

One by one, the stars came out

Bright spots dotting the purple sheet

Not a soul stirred down below

The land lay silent, beautiful and sweet.

The clouds drifted lazily about

Blown by the subtle summer breeze

‘Twas a beautiful night, none could doubt

And he’d have agreed, as he knelt down on his knees.

Surrounded by a dozen men he was

But none could look him in the eye

As time came to a pregnant pause

He sensed his death close by.

And now the moon behind the clouds hid

Sensing evil in the sinful air

The vile eyes of the executioner forbid

The innocent lover’s final prayer.

The moon out of the clouds did come

Catching the sword as it pierced his skin

His eyes seemed to smile at the cruel injustice,

Defying the world he had dared to love in.

And there he lay for endless time

Till the vultures came

No heroic songs for him, no rhyme

Just a sense of shame.

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