Friend: godd, not you too.....look, if u like cricket, good for you, just spare me the finer details of how its the best sport ever and all that...."
Me: i wasnt on about that. what i meant was that u dont hate cricket, u just dont like it.
F: > rolls eyes<
And that, i think, has to be the dumbest statement ever, for many reasons. i fail to imagine, for example, that how, if u like one thing, does it mean that u hate the other. and its not like we have to go very far to observe this trend. people of religion A hate religion B more than they follow their own. why this urge to impose their beliefs on others comes from is anybody's guess, and the propoganda to promote it, even more embarrassing. tolerance, anyone? it has to be the root cause of most evils, this meaningless hatred, handed down by ignorant ancestors to unsuspecting and even more ignorant offspring. we still fight over what happened in 700 ad, for god's sake! and then some brilliant visionaries have taken upon themselves to revive the crusades. it frustrates me no ends to think how we can ever thank them enough.
But tis not even these people who should be blamed. the ones who are responsible are the 20 something kids who refuse to think for themselves, allow these godless people to brainwash them, and then do their biddings while they hide in caves. i sincerely pray to god that their caves get blocked by land-slides, the mountains they hide in get avalanches, and that they have enough provisions for them to last atleast a decade, and then due to some unprecedented phenomenon, they develop acute mass claustrophobia. and maybe then they would get a fraction of the treatment they really deserve. Religious extremism. if thats how they plan to endear themselves to their respective gods, by intimidating and brow-beating other faiths, i sincerely advise them to think again. i dont mind the violence, neither the innocent deaths, though god knows how cold-hearted that makes me sound. its just the absolute and utter pointlessness of these acts which gets to me. nobody stops living until they actually do, no matter how close they've come to death. train blast survivors havent stopped going to work, venturing out, or living in general. which just makes u wonder what they actually mean by spreading "terror". Give up guys, and more important still, get a life. trust me, no god wants this kind of devotion.
1 comment:
i like the way ur defining liking or hating something.
but i guess we hate things we want to love but cant because of how they are!!
the rest we either like or simply dont like.
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