Thursday, July 22, 2010


Remember the day
when we walked
in the midst of that forest
that never ending trail of green
stood on top of that crumbling shelter
and let the wind play with us
took detours through the woods
because the paths were not lonely anymore?

Do you remember
love, when it bloomed in each of us
inspired by the wild growth we stood in
I do.
I saw the love in your eyes, that day.
How i wish it was for me.


athi said...

They say that unrequited love is like a whimper of the heart.. so much pain, and we still love..
loved this one :)

TrAnSgReSs said...

Joey can say i love you for this :) my gawd this one is soo awesum :) i love ...i seriously doo

TrAnSgReSs said...

joey i simpley love it i have no more words its so touching