Friday, July 28, 2006

JOAT Writes..

JOAT Writes..

Ahh...the freedom of writing your views without giving a damn abt who reads it and who doesnt. for someone like me, who has views ( mostly unwanted) on everything, this is the next best thing to being appointed advisor to the president. though most of you guys would have already reached this conclusion long ago, i just have to say it once, to get it out of my system, BLOGGING ROCKS!!! abt me: I'm a 19 yr old guy who's just passed out of school (phew!, thought tht day wld never come), and am now preparing for law entrances. i write a bit, am currently one of the student correspondents with the times of india, and love to read. i also have, like i said before, views on everything under the sun, and hope to finally give them an outlet here. so get ready for many many bouts of verbal diarrheas. peace out till then.

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