JOAT Writes..
Love. The enigmatic four lettered word which makes the most intelligent of people act like monkeys on a leash( been there). The reason why sleeping pill manufacturing firms are still in business. The most sought after and hence the most elusive state of mind. the feeling that keeps u on the tenterhooks (does she??, does'nt she????!!). i can go on with this, endlessly, and i have a feeling u wont want that.
Its beaten its fellow competitors by a huge margin, and is a brand like no other. ever wondered why there arent any " get happy soon" greetings at archies? being happy is a thing of the past. the in-thing is to be uncomfortably in ur love blues, a-la devdas. its this endless quest for the soulmate that drives the coffee-shops to bring out new outlets, cinema halls to create cosy nooks, and then revel in the bottomless pockets of our young, and old, on-a-mission-public. So what if the result involves endless awkward dates set up by concerned friends, the resultant high blood pressure tht precedes, and often succeeds these 'dates', and those oh-so-fake movie star smiles. What is it about this phenomenon that drives ppl to do things that they normally would scoff at. and ofcourse, the cheesy lines that is almost a compulsion on the part of the couples. cyrrano and shakespeare died in the 16th century, so if ure gonna use those lines, u'd as well don a warrior outfit and go fight against the king of England.
Please don't get me wrong. i'm an eternal optimist who just loves the concept of love, afterall its one of those rare things tht makes this otherwise bland life a bit taste-buds endearing, a little more worth living. but call me a cynic if u will, but this is not the way to go about it. meaning in no way to assume the airs of a preacher, its not a bloody game, and if one thinks it is, one's grossly cheating one's opponent, the poor thing probably doesnt even know the rules properly. but then, when has the world been known for its morality?
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