Tuesday, March 13, 2007


The worst thing to munch on, people will tell you, are the words you uttered u believed were true. And i hate to admit this, but this is one of those rare occasions where i have to eat mine. OK, so i was wrong about manchester united, they did have something up their sleeves, and chelsea are being made to look like fools, having done some serious spending, and yet managing only the second spot. manu, however, hardly had to go further than their pocket change to get carrik, and Fergie has established himself yet again as the einstein of football. just goes to show flamboyance and bold statements dont always get the job done, its the understated, no-nonsense approach which comes handy. both Fergie and mourinho can start counting, the latter his days at chelsea, and the former the winner medals hes got at manu. i have a feeling fergies count will still come out on top..................

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