Tuesday, March 06, 2007

The Nothing and the Everything : A Commentary - I

the sheer futility of this piece compels me to get on with it, specially since this is going to be an extremely useless effort about nothing in particular. ok, where do i start?
there are a dozen issues which come to mind- pollution, population, poverty, education, fossil fuels....(my apologies for sounding like an out of work ngo worker). i'm quite convinced that the human race has broken boundaries which even its creator didnt forsee it'd surprass. like how parents give a kindergarten kid some meaningless exercise hoping it'll give them some spare time, only to realise the kids too smart for it. humans took waht was given to them for the rest of their existence, and used it in the first two hundred or so years of when the started using it. quite amazing, considering it took them some 3-4 million years to get to that point of knowledge, initially. man has become too smart for his own good. we make sensational scientific progress, which gives us a feel good for a decade, by which time we realise the progress is giving us yet another headache, in the form of abuse, by-products etc. and that, i think is the funniest tendency we could have. here we are cribbing about running out of fossil fuels, depleting the ozone layer, greenhouse effects, nuking our neighbours, and my personal favourite, 'polluting space' (as if we didnt have enough things to worry about on earth), and we still keep on doing it , on the sly in some cases, quite openly in others, and shamelessly in the rest. the more we advance in medical science, the more curable deadly diseases become, the more we seem to cancel it out by slowly killing our planet. which basically means we are where we started from. well, atleast from the perspective of the humans. the planet however, has aged really fast, what was once a young planet in its prime just a century ago, is now a coughing, wheezing old body with holes in its blanket. and to think its most favoured children squandered away its resources in old age. what i'd give to go back to the stone age, considering ignorance is a bliss. now those were good times, what with man getting satisfied with dancing around fires, shaping out crude tools, and the occasional biggie in the form of a wheel. if you ask me, we're worrying about the wrong stuff. the universe is literally hanging by a thread, what with gravitational forces cancelling out each other, and that being the reason we are where we are. somebody ought to be worrying about that, for instance. infact, i think we are taking our solar system too much for granted. our galaxy is supposed to have around 500 dwarf galxies as its sattelites, what if.......ok, my train of thought kind of unnerves me, and i wont go further with all the doomsday predictions, but i'm sure you get my drift. which brings me to my point- worrying about something is the single most useless thing on this planet - right after this piece, of course. if you actually think about it, 90% of all our progress has nothing to do with the betterment of human race. humanism is all but non-existent, most of our funds seem to be going into the never ending arms race, or other rather useless issues. its a mark of how strange we as a race have become taht our otherwise monotonous lives need entertainment in the form of movies and stuff, propelling otherwise ordinary people into the stature of demi-gods. and this is where i come to my point about futility, all this stuff doesnt even begin to tell about how, as a race, we are going terribly wrong. it might not be my position to comment upon all this, but hey, somebody's gotta to do it, right?

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