Thursday, January 18, 2007

Pointless thoughts of a random mind

I sit and think
Of what all could be
Of countless worlds beyond us
Which we’ll never see

Of distant skies so blue
Which embrace the earth
With love so pure, so true

Of oceans so vast and deep
Which look at the sky and earth
And at their union weep

Of stars shining high
The meaningless pleasure they give us
By just lighting the sky

Of beautiful poems and prose
And how their creators
Selected the lovely words they chose

Of books I still haven’t read
Of the new places they take us
Where none before have ever tread.

Of God, and his whims & ways
And to sum it all, I think
Would require much more than
Just plain old paper and ink.

1 comment:

athi said...

random thoughts happen to be the best mostly, or so it does here :)